






For more than 25 years, the Schmitt-Thompson Clinical Content (STCC) has incorporated the highest standards for safety and quality. The Schmitt-Thompson clinical content is reviewed and updated annually. Their update process ensures that our guidelines are current, evidence-based, and compliant with new recommendations from national organizations. This review includes triage nurses, specialty nurses, call center medical directors, primary care physicians, emergency medicine physicians and physician specialists.


Comprehensive Content

STCC content is some of the most comprehensive in the industry. The guidelines are tailored to the following use cases:


  “After Hours” – no provider support “Office Hours” – provider support
Adult Set


Adult Telephone Triage Protocols
After Hours
Topics: 363
Dynamic Guideline Assessments
Targeted Care Advice for all acuities


Adult Telephone Triage Protocols
Office Hours
Topics: 200
Home Care Advice


Pediatric Set


Pediatric Telephone Triage Protocols
After Hours
Topics: 245
Dynamic Guideline Assessments
Targeted Care Advice for all acuities


Pediatric Telephone Triage Protocols
Office Hours
Topics: 245
Home Care Advice



Annual Review Process

The Schmitt-Thompson clinical content has an ongoing quality assurance program that results in continual improvement. We work to improve the guidelines with input from users, statistical evidence (research), medical evidence (literature review), and feedback from a broad panel of reviewers.

A typical annual content review process may include the following sources:



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Feedback from users is essential to the continual improvement of STCC guidelines. Many call centers in the US and Canada provide STCC with annual feedback.  All observations and feedback are taken seriously, and needed universal changes are incorporated.

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Review of medical journals for articles that pertain to existing guidelines. Research findings that would improve the guideline content are incorporated.

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Search for new or updated national guidelines that pertain to existing guidelines. Recommendations that would improve the guideline content are incorporated.

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Continual review of targeted guidelines by the adult and pediatric editorial teams.


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Formal quality improvement or outcome study data from call centers. The following are 3 examples of call reviews from various call centers:

A. Chart Documentation or Audio Review of calls with the same presenting chief complaint.
B. Chart Documentation or Audio Review of calls with the same disposition.
C. Chart Documentation or Audio Review of calls with the same triage question.

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Review of selected guidelines by Adult and Pediatric Review Panels.


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Reviews of selected guidelines by Expert Reviewers from related specialty.


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Quantitative benchmarking analysis of dispositions for a sample of 5 million calls from 13 Medical Call Centers.



Printed Triage Guideline Books

MD FACEP Adult Telephone Protocols, 4th Edition, David A Thompson, MDFACEP

Pediatric Telephone Protocols, 16th Edition, Barton D. SchmItt, MD, FAAP


Learn More

To learn more about STCC content, visit
Learn about the authors here: Meet Our Authors. Meet Our Authors.


Nurse Triage in Nurse Workflows

Keona Health has integrated STCC content into its Nurse Triage. CareDesk takes nurse clinical decision support to the next level, incorporating rich patient communication, best in class education content, and automated workflows based on the disposition and care advice, including appropriate scheduling.