

Intelligent Scheduling White Paper

Give your staff the scheduling support they deserve. Doing so improves revenue, removes scheduling errors, and makes patients happy. Scheduling is the lifeblood of healthcare organizations – the crucial link that is unfortunately also very complicated.


Due to the Law of Scheduling every organization with complex scheduling is torn between standardizing by enforcing a one-size-fits-all approach or dealing with inefficiency, errors, and expense. With Intelligent Scheduling, you can achieve flexible standardization! Meet your efficiency goals while allowing for variation between providers and patients.






How to Schedule more Effectively

The logic undergirding the intelligent scheduling/referral system is incredibly robust. It follows the following logic sequence:


lettera  It starts with a patient’s reason for visit
number  On one side, the patient context is evaluated: 

             a. If a disposition is available, that is considered as well
             b. Patient demographics
             c. Patient Insurance
             d. Prior visits may be used to calculate appropriate timeframes

    number-Apr-30-2021-07-28-14-38-PM  These are matched against a database of Resources with a rules engine

    letterd  Resource logic takes into account
             a. Services the resource offers / is required for
             b. Multiple Resources needed for a schedule are automatically included
             c. Service provider schedule
             d. Service provider preferences
             e. Provider relationships for availability and backup options
lettere Sequential Scheduling – define appointments to be scheduled in sequences

a. Sequences can be defined (e.g. pre-op, op, and post-op)
b. Each appointment in the sequence can involve multiple resources, each with its own requirements
c. Buffer between visits and/or buffer ranges between visits in a sequence can be specified

letterfThe results are filtered through geo-location proximity with the patient

lettergThese are matched against the appropriate visit types in the integrated scheduling system

letterhFinally, Round Robin calculation prioritizes the results for equitable distribution among service providers

letteriOnly appointments that match the criteria are shown, saving tremendous time and effort


The Results

Schedule recommendations that fit the issue and symptoms, prioritize close proximity, is optimized for provider preferences, is equally distributed by Round Robin, and still gives patients a choice for what best fits their needs and schedule. Talk about removing the scheduling pains from your staff!

Simple Interface

The enormous complexity is hidden behind a deceptively simple user interface for agent or nurse workspaces.


Sequential Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling sequential visits that follows all your requirements is incredibly simple.


The Agent Interface facilitates:


letteraScheduling new appointments

numberCancel existing appointments

number-Apr-30-2021-07-28-14-38-PMSchedule multi-resource appointments, where multiple resources are needed in the same appointment

letterdSchedule sequential appointments, where a series of appointments are needed in order (e.g. pre-op, op, and post-op)

lettereOverbooking existing appointments to squeeze in urgent cases

letterfReschedule appointments

a. Taking into account the full logic and context when the appointment was first scheduled.

          b. e.g. rescheduling a post-op that is part of a sequence takes into account the date/time of the operation,
          its location, the resources involved, and the buffer needed between appointments


icon1-1Schedule incredibly complex appointments with ease

icon2-1Rescheduling the most complicated schedule in just a few clicks

icon3-1Standardize only those scheduling elements that make sense

icon4-1So easy, nurses can schedule complex appointments without transferring callers
icon5-1Ditch the scheduling knowledge base for faster, yet more accurate, scheduling
Reduce training time by 50-70%

Nearly eliminate scheduling errors

Self-administer schedules in real-time

No Scheduling Requirements are Too Complex!

So how complex can these rules handle?
Those who don’t schedule appointments regularly don’t appreciate how quickly scheduling complexity grows.

Take one mental health practice as an example. They have 72 primary diagnosis and 73 secondary diagnosis possibilities that combined determined the visit type. In addition, they have 4 service types, different rules for established vs new patients, and 160 provider preferences to account for. The total individual combinations is nearly 7 million!


The parameters for all of the above are available for you to setup and administer yourself – in real time. Once a change is made in the admin, it immediately changes all schedules in the contact center and patient self-scheduling on the web.


