Don't Panic!
5 Essential Tips
for telehealth
Telehealth lessons learned firsthand from Cleveland Clinic and other thriving global Health Systems.
Webinar Speaker Gina Tabone
Telehealth expert
COVID-19 has changed healthcare forever. Don't waste scarce time and resources navigating all alone through the changes necessary to revolutionize Patient Access to Care.
March 2020 introduced social distancing, and government interventions which cut or entirely stopped traditional healthcare services and led to delays in care, created furlongs, closures, and forced staff reductions.
Successful work from home telehealth has been proven to improve revenue, lower costs, and improve patient loyalty. Seeing these benefits requires extensive physician and nurse training, IT planning, and marketing.
My guest this month has experience architecting telehealth solutions around the world. Her name is Gina Tabone, MSN. She’s accrued 25+ years of experience in telehealth. During her time with Cleveland Clinic as the Administrator of Nurse on Call, she participated in the development of the first work-from-home, national centralized contact center - Access to Care. She moved on to consult general telehealth for physician practices, health systems, pharmaceutical call centers, FQHC’s and a variety of other health care entities.
After a successful career, Gina was on the verge of retirement after open-heart surgery when COVID hit. Learn why the pandemic changed her mind and she decided to reengage the industry.
What Will You Learn?

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Why Telehealth / Virtual Care are
strategic necessities
What are the realities
of operational implementation?
The Big Bang – Humanity
collides With Technology.
Data, Data, Data – Prove your
value to the organization.
Don’t reinvent the wheel – learn what works for competitors and steal shamelessly.